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Sack it to Me: Marvel Heroes Come to LittleBigPlanet PS Vita

2 Apr

Sack it to Me: Marvel Heroes Come to LittleBigPlanet PS Vita

No Vita price drop for North America

21 Feb
PS Vita Screenshot

No Vita price drop for North America, says Sony
“The price cut announced today is for the SCE Japan region only and we have nothing to announce at this time regarding pricing within the our own region.”

Official Sony PlayStation 4 second screen app coming to iPhone , iPad and Android

21 Feb

A new application from SCE called “PlayStation®App” will enable iPhone, iPad, and Android based smartphones and tablets to become second screens. Once installed on these devices, users can, for example, see maps on their second screens when playing an adventure game, purchase PS4 games while away from home and download it directly to the console at home, or remotely watch other gamers playing on their devices.

Watch Dogs confirmed for PS4 launch – new gameplay video

21 Feb

inFamous Second Son revealed for PS4 – trailer

21 Feb
Click to view larger image

PlayStation 4 (UPDATING)

21 Feb






